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Revolution 250

Your Town, Your History, Our Nation

Revolution 250

Your Town, Your History, Our Nation

Revolution 250

Your Town, Your History, Our Nation

Revolution 250

Your Town, Your History, Our Nation

Revolution 250

Your Town, Your History, Our Nation

Revolution 250

Your Town, Your History, Our Nation

Revolution 250

Your Town, Your History, Our Nation

Revolution 250

Your Town, Your History, Our Nation

Who We Are

Revolution 250 is a independent 501c3 and the leader of a consortium of not-for-profit, for-profit, corporate partners, and individuals. Revolution 250 will explore the history of the American Revolution and the ways that this story still resonates in society today. Culminating in 2026, 250 years since the American colonies declared independence from the British Empire, we will pull together residents, visitors, planners, educators, artists, students, the business community, and politicians to recognize the importance of our culture and values.

old timey people

Our Partners

Revolution 250 is a consortium of organizations working together to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the events that led to the American Revolution. With over 70 partners across Massachusetts, we are a 501c3 organization.

Revolution 250



Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday:
8:30 AM – 5:00 PM